Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

download alex horan - flower bloom (ost only you-always) and lirics

download lagu mp3 alex, horan flowers bloom ost always-only you

01 꽃이 피네요.mp3 - 4shared.com - penyimpanan dan berbagi-pakai file online - unduh

Alex, Horan - Flowers Bloom (Only You OST Lyrics)

Flowers are blooming even in my heart
You are a fragrant spring

Flower petals are leading me
Making me fall into your embrace

It's you - the person I've been waiting for
I guess I was lonely by myself
Flowers are blooming in my heart that was always winter
Your warm heart is holding me

The stars in the night sky that I used to count alone
Are all in your two eyes

Pinky swear and promise me
That I won't ever walk alone again

It's you - the person I've been waiting for
I guess I was lonely by myself
Flowers are blooming in my heart that was always winter
Your warm heart is holding me 

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

software untuk mendownload di youtube

1) RealPlayer SP – Media Player yang dapat mendownload Video Youtube

Banyak orang yang tidak tahu kalau RealPlayer SP dapat mendownload video Youtube. Dan bukan cuman video Youtube saja, tetapi video dari situs-situs penyedia layanan streaming video juga bisa didownload. Untuk mendownloadnya gampang, tinggal buka saja link videonya di player, kemudian RealPlayer SP akan menampilkan opsi download di sebelah kanan video.

2) Orbit Downloader – Aplikasi Download Manager termasuk untuk Download Video YouTube

Orbit Downloader adalah aplikasi download manager multifungsi yang bisa kita pakai untuk mengatur file-file yang sedang atau akan kita download. Salah satu fiturnya yang sangat berguna disini adalah kemampuannya untuk mendownload video YouTube. Jadi kita tidak butuh software khusus lainnya.

3) Miro – Search and Download HD YouTube Videos

Miro adalah software gratis yang dapat kita pakai untuk mencari film-film berkualitas HD (High Definition) secara online, dan menontonnya di PC. Miro juga dapat dipakai untuk mencari video Youtube, dan men-download-nya ke PC untuk ditonton nanti. Software ini banyak fungsinya dan mudah digunakan.

4) xVideoServiceThief – Aplikasi Open Source Buat Download Banyak Video YouTube Bersamaan

Jika anda mencari software untuk mendownload video Youtube yang benar-benar dibuat untuk itu maka xVideoServiceThief adalah pilihannya. Aplikasi ini adalah software opensource yang dapat mendownload video YouTube bersamaan. Kita juga bisa mengatur jadwal untuk mendownload video YouTube, bisa dipause atau melanjutkan proses downloadnya.

5) BS.Player – Media Player untuk Download Video YouTube

Seperti Real Player, BS.Player juga merupakan salah satu media player yang dapat dipakai untuk mendownload video youtube.

6) VDownloader – Software Pencari dan Pendownload Video YouTube

VDownloader adalah software sederhana untuk mencari dan men-download video dari youtube dan situs sharing video lainnya seperti Google Video, Metacafe, MySpace, DailyMotion dan sebagainya.

7) TubeMaster++ – Download Video Streaming dan Konversi ke Berbagai Format

TubeMaster++ adalah software pendownload video YouTube yang sangat menarik. Aplikasi ini menangkap secara langsung video Youtube yang sedang di-streaming, sehingga kita tidak perlu memasukkan URL yang akan didownload. TubeMaster++ dapat menangkap video streaming dari situs-situs streaming video lainnya. Kehebatan lain dari software TubeMaster++ adalah kemampuannya untuk mengkonversi video yang di-download ke berbagai format.

Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

10 Coffee World's Most Expensive And Most Delicious

1. Coffee Luwak - Indonesia
Civet coffee is coffee that is produced from coffee beans that have been eaten and passed through the digestive tract of animals called civet. Notoriety coffee has been known to overseas. Even in the United States, there is a cafe or a shop that sells coffee Luwak (civet coffee) the price is quite expensive. Achieve price:

$ 160 per pound.
Coffee fame is believed that myth in the past, when the coffee plantation was opened large-scale during the reign of the Dutch East Indies until the decade of the 1950s, where there was still a lot of animals like civet civet.

2. Hacienda La Esmeralda - Boquete, Panama
Hacienda La Esmeralda's Geisha grown in Boquete, Panama is a popular worldwide because of taste. This is mostly cultivated in the shade of guava trees older. You can enjoy a coffee at a price: $ 104 per pound.

3.Island From St Helena Coffee Company - St. Helena
St. Helena Island, 1,200 miles off the coast of Africa is breeding ground for St Helena Coffee. It owes its popularity is now at the Napoleon Bonaparte who praised the coffee sow his seed on the island of St. Helena. You can enjoy a coffee at a price: $ 79 per pound.

4. El Injerto - Huehuetenango, Guatemala
This kind of coffee by the El Injerto owes its origin in the territory of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Having bagged the first prize in the 2006 Cup of Excellence. You can enjoy a coffee at a price: $ 50 per pound.

5. Fazenda Santa Ines - Minas Gerais, Brazil
Rated as the highest in the Cup of Excellence's history, this coffee is the rage with Caffe Artigiano, a famous cafe in Canada and two roasters Australia. This exclusive coffee mugs are available in specialty stores around the world. You can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 50 per pound.

6. Blue Mountain - Wallenford Estate, Jamaica
Jamaica Blue Mountain is known as variable quality. It is very popular among coffee lovers mild because the strong flavor and aroma. Japan imports about 85% of this coffee. You can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 49 per pound.

7. Los Planes - Citala, El Salvador
Los Planes best commercial crop grown in El Salvador ranks second in the Cup of Excellence 2006. This is a 93.52 out of 100 of the international jury for the competition. You can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 40 per pound.

8. Hawaiian Kona Coffee
Brazil introduced the English tree rich volcanic soil of coffee to Kona in the late 1820s. The climate in that place is suitable for coffee cultivation. Known for its sense of comfort and taste, you can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 34 per pound.

9. Starbucks Rwanda Blue Bourbon - Gatare / Karengera, Rwanda
Starbucks coffee beans are found in Gatare and Karengera from their visit to a coffee washing station in Rwanda in 2004. Now, Rwanda Blue Bourboncoffee farmers plant beans as main crops. You can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 24 per pound.

10. Coffee Yauco Selecto AA - Puerto Rico
Derived from the territory of Yauco, Puerto Rican coffee is known for excellence throughout the world. Manufactured in the Southwestern Mountains of Puerto Rico, the coffee is appreciated for its mild flavor. You can enjoy this coffee at a price: $ 24 per pound.


Akhir-akhir ini saya sering makan makanan yang mengandung lemak. Tanpa saya sadari jika tubuh terlalu banyak lemak akan memacu timbulnya kolesterol. Berikut ini adalah artikel mengenai kolesterol, selamat membaca dan semoga bermanfaat :))

Kolesterol termasuk keluarga lemak, zat ini merupakan salah satu dari komponen lemak itu sendiri. Kehadiran lemak sendiri dalam tubuh kita sesungguhnya memiliki fungsi sebagai zat gizi yang sangat diperlukan oleh tubuh disamping zat gizi lainnya seperti karbohidrat, protein, vitamin dan mineral.

Lemak sendiri mempunyai pengertian cadangan energi yang memberikan kontribusi kalori paling tinggi. Acapkali kolesterol menjadi momok dan kerap dibicarakan sebagai sumber masalah kesehatan degeneratif dewasa ini. Namun demikian, bukan berarti kolesterol tidak memiliki fungsi bagi tubuh manusia.

Kolesterol dalam keadaan normal berguna sebagai
  • Proses pembentukan sel-sel dalam tubuh, lemak berperan sebagai pembentuk dinding- dinding sel.
  • Dibutuhkan untuk bahan dasar pembentukan hormon-hormon steroid.
  • Membuat asam empedu untuk proses emulsi lemak.
  • Dibutuhkan untuk membuat vitamin D dan juga berperan sebagai bahan untuk membuat hormon - hormon sex dan kortikosteroid.
Tetapi jika kadar kolesterol  terlalu banyak dapat menyebabkan
  • Jantung koroner
  • Hipertensi
  • asterosklerosis (penyempitan pembuluh darah)
  • stroke
  • dll
 Tanda-tanda kolesterol berlebih :
Bagaimana gejala dan tanda-tanda yang dialami oleh seseorang dengan kadar kolesterol berlebih? Umumnya, gejala tersebut sulit dikenali dan bahkan ada yang tidak menimbulkan gejala sama sekali. Kadar kolesterol yang tinggi dalam darah menyebabkan aliran darah menjadi kental karena banyak mengandung lemak. Lemak-lemak tersebut dapat menumpuk pada dinding pembuluh darah dan mengganggu kelancaran peredaran darah. Adanya penumpukan lemak pada pembuluh darah akan membuat pembuluh darah menyempit dan sangat mengganggu supplai oksigen dalam tubuh.
Akibatnya, kadar oksigen di dalam darah berkurang dan timbullah gejala-gejala akibat kurang oksigen seperti sakit kepala atau pegal-pegal. Namun, biasanya gejala tersebut tidak disadari seseorang sebagai akibat kelebihan kolesterol pada tubuhnya karena gejala-gejala tersebut kadang dapat juga disebabkan masalah kesehatan lainnya sehingga tidak jarang orang baru menyadarinya setelah mengalami serangan jantung atau stroke.
Karena itu, seseorang tidak akan mengetahui akan kadar kolesterol yang dimilikinya tanpa melakukan pemeriksaan darah. Pemeriksaan kolesterol akan menghasilkan data perkiraan kadar kolesterol dalam tubuh dan juga resiko yang bisa jadi membahayakan tubuh.
Dengan melakukan pemeriksaan ini, seseorang dapat mengetahui kadar kolesterol yang dimilikinya dan dapat mengatur pola kehidupannya sehingga terhindar dari berbagai resiko seperti penyakit jantung dan stroke.

makanan yang menurunkan kadar kolesterol:
  1. Kacang-kacangan. Kenari, almond dan kacang-kacangan lainnya dapat mengurangi kolesterol darah. Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa memakan beberapa kenari setiap hari dapat menurunkan kolesterol Anda sebanyak 27 persen. Menurut lembaga pengawasan obat dan makanan AS (FDA), memakan sekitar segenggam (42,5 gram) kacang almond, hazelnut, kacang tanah, pecan, kacang pinus, kacang pistachio dan walnut, dapat mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung. Kandungan lemak Omega-3 dan antioksidan pada kacang-kacangan bekerja untuk merehabilitasi kerusakan arteri yang disebabkan oleh lemak jenuh.
  2. Teh hijau. Penelitian di Jepang menemukan bahwa theanine pada teh hijau bermanfaat meningkatkan kolesterol baik dan mencegah pembentukan kolesterol jahat. Anda harus meminum minimal empat cangkir teh hijau bebas gula setiap hari untuk mendapatkan manfaatnya.
  3. Tomat. Meminum dua gelas jus tomat sehari menurunkan kolesterol jahat dari tubuh Anda secara signifikan.
  4. Buah Anggur. Buah anggur merah meningkatkan kolesterol baik. Dianjurkan untuk minum dua gelas jus anggur setiap hari.
  5. Blueberry. Blueberry mengandung sejumlah besar zat yang melawan kolesterol jahat. Senyawa dalam blueberry (pterostilbene) dapat membantu menurunkan kolesterol seefektif obat komersial dengan efek samping yang lebih sedikit.
  6. Plum. Seperti blueberry, plum memiliki sejumlah besar materi yang menurunkan kolesterol.
  7. Produk kedelai. Produk kedelai seperti susu kedelai, tahu dan tempe tidak hanya mengurangi kolesterol Anda, tetapi juga kaya protein.
  8. Bawang putih. Bawang putih memiliki efek positif pada kolesterol jahat Anda sembari menjaga kolesterol baik. Banyak uji klinis telah melihat peran dan manfaat bawang putih pada penyakit jantung, terutama dengan menurunkan kolesterol total, kolesterol LDL dan trigliserida. American Dietetic Association menyarankan agar mendapatkan manfaat kesehatan bawang putih, kita harus mengonsumsi 600 – 900 mg (sekitar 1 siung segar) per hari.
  9. Minyak zaitun. Minyak zaitun dapat mengurangi kolesterol jahat dari tubuh Anda. Para peneliti di Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spanyol) menemukan bahwa diet yang diperkaya minyak zaitun membantu menurunkan kolesterol jahat (LDL).
  10. Minyak Kelapa. Penelitian Dr. Mary Enig MS dari Nutritional Sciences dan penelitian lainnya menyebut bahwa minyak kelapa alami (non-hidrogenasi) meningkatkan kolesterol baik (HDL).
  11. Alpukat. Lemak tak jenuh pada alpukat adalah jenis yang menyehatkan karena dapat meningkatkan kadar kolesterol HDL Anda.
  12. Flaxseed oil. Minyak biji rami dapat menurunkan tekanan darah pada laki-laki dengan kolesterol tinggi. Dalam studi tiga bulan terhadap 59 pria paruh baya, mereka yang mengonsumsi suplemen minyak biji rami setiap hari mengalami penurunan tekanan darah secara signifikan.
  13. Ikan dan minyak ikan. Sebuah studi dari Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Norwegia menemukan bahwa orang dengan diabetes tipe 2 yang mengonsumsi dosis tinggi minyak ikan selama sembilan minggu menurunkan konsentrasi kolesterol dalam tubuh mereka.
  14. Buah delima. Sebuah studi oleh National Academy of Sciences (AS) menunjukkan bahwa jus buah delima mengurangi penumpukan plak kolesterol dan meningkatkan produksi oksida nitrat yang membantu mengurangi plak arteri.
  15. Yogurt dengan probiotik. Beberapa penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa probiotik Lactobacillus acidophilus dan Lactobacillus reuteri benar-benar membantu menurunkan kolesterol. Mereka bekerja dengan mencegah reabsorpsi kolesterol kembali ke aliran darah.


Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

agar si betis besar terlihat kecil

Terkadang kaki besar akan membuat anda tidak pede untuk mecoba fashion terbaru saat ini. Berikut sedikit tips agar betis kaki besar terlihat kecil :

 1. pake celana ato jeans model skinny ato stright warna yang cenderung gelap

2. Mini dress Pilih model trapeze (di atas ato sedikit dibawah lutut)

3. Gunakan rok mini (flare atau span). Kalau Anda masih belum PD, Anda bisa menambahkan pemakaian legging atau stocking di dalamnya.

4. Gunakan gaun model baby doll atau pinggang tinggi (panjang bisa sebetis)

5. Sepatu berhak (stiletto) memang paling cocok untuk menambah tinggi badan, tapi sepatu flat tidak boleh dilupakan.

6. Jangan sekali-sekali menggunakan celana model palazzo, cut bray atau (rok panjang) hipster! Hanya akan membuat kaki Anda berkesan semakin pendek.

7. Hindari penggunaan ankle boots dan sepatu platform (terlebih yang memiliki betis besar)

Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Sung ha jung 정성하

정성하 - Sungha is a 15 year old musical prodigy, acoustic fingerstyle guitarist from South Korea. It is his dream to become a professional fingerstyle guitarist.

Sungha had been watching his Dad play the guitar for a while before deciding to pick one up himself, only a few short years ago. When he is not in school, Sungha can be found practicing for up to three hours a day. Sungha uses a custom guitar to fit his body size, and on which Thomas Leeb wrote “Keep on grooving to my friend.”

He says it usually takes him about 3 days to learn, practice and then videotape a new song, which he then uploads to his Youtube profile. More difficult pieces can take him up to a week. He says he started off by learning music by-ear from the videos he watched online but has recently started using tabs that are available from the authors.

On his page you can find his renditions of artists like Elton John, The Beatles, Nirvana, Bon Jovi and many others. It’s hard to say where he will be in ten years if he keeps at this rate, but it is obvious he has a natural talent is destined for greatness. There’s no telling how far his skills can take him.

Taekwondo Street

TaeKwon-Do as a defensive art is extremely effective, and when taught appropriately and utilized by a proficient practitioner, it will serve very well whether facing a novice fighter or an experienced martial artists.

Unfortunately many on these posts like to knock other arts in which they may have very limited experience or in depth knowledge. That is the nature of asking for opinion on such an open forum.

TaeKwon-Do has its limitations and its flaws, just as every system of defense out there has, and just as every individual fighter has. There is no perfect system. What each individual must seek out is a single art or combination of arts that sepak to them, that they understand and enjoy playing with, and that they are excited about putting in the long hours of training and practice required to make them effective.

I personally like traditional TaeKwon-Do as it employs many of the self-defense principals I believe in and agree with. It focuses on minimum use of energy for maximum effect, concentration of force for maximum impact, limitation of power to the most effective ranges, and a malleable use of distance and technique to utilize the defensive ranges and strenghts of the human body in the most effective and logically sequential way possible.

There are many flaws in the WTF Olympic model of TaeKwon-Do that may inexperienced and poorly trained instructors adopt in its entirety as a comprehensive art. It is not, and anyone in a school that focuses only on Olympic model sparring is unfortunately being short-changed significantly on the whole diversity and range of what true TaeKwon-Do offers.

TaeKwon-do does initially focus on the use of the legs for distance defense and keeping opponents at a safer range. Certainly for the untrained, inexperienced, and ineffective, utilizing such kicking, checking, striking, blocking, and pushing techniques can be fraught with danger. For the experienced and well trained and prepared artist however, these tecniques are executed in the sure and certain knowledge that the opponent will try to grasp them, deflect them, or overbalance the defender; thus all such techniques are executed with a speed, to targets, and with distracting simultaneous movements that will make it difficult for all but the most experienced opponent to achieve their aims.

Contrary to very popular (and entirely wrong) opinion, TaeKwon-Do is not an art of primarily kicking techniques. It is a fully developed, fully matured, comprehensive defensive system which has as many hand, elbow, shoulder, and knee striking techniques as any other hard system I have seen, worked with, or experienced. We also teach falling, rolling, tripping, sweeping, and throwing. Again however, if you look toward the restrictive view of TaeKwon-Do from the WTF Olympic view, then it would be easy to believe we only know how to punch with our fore fist. I can assure you, all of my students, and many other students of TaeKwon-Do I have met know a great deal more than that.

The real crux of your question however does not really come down to the discipline, it comes down to the person using it and their ability to effectively employ whatever techniques from whatever art they have studied. Trainiing is designed to help you overcome some natural human tendencies that are not particulalry conducive to mounting an effective defense. If you train well, have a qualified and experienced instructor, and are mentally prepared should the worst case scenario ever occur, you will have done all you can to provide yoruself with the best opportunity possible.

In such a situation myself, my first line of defense would be my mind to try to talk my way out. My first life of physical defense would be TaeKwon-Do to keep them at a slightly longer distance and if they managed to get inside that range it would be a combination of TaeKwon-Do and HapMoosaKi-Do to strike, debilitate, and control simultaneously.

Interestingly we just held a Freestyle games event on Sat Sep 22 and had TaeKwon-Do, HapMoosaKi-Do, Kickboxing, and Karate practitioners all sparring with each other in a freestyle continuous sparring model. At the black belt level when everyone expects everyone else to be competent and knowledgeable, distance was the key until the odd opening occurred. In junior divisions, the lack of experience and effectiveness often results in messy confrontations with TaeKwon-Do practitioners forgetting to protect their head, HapMoosaKi-Do people wanting to close to quickly against competent kickers, and kickboxers forgetting that TaeKwon-Do people are used to seeing telegraphed kicks and moving away from the while counter-kicking or striking.