Senin, 30 April 2012



·         Kingdom       : Eubacteria
·         Filum             : Spirochaetae
·         Class              : Spirochaetae
·         Ordo              : Spirochaetales
·         Familly          : Spirochaetaceae
·         Genus           :Treponema
·         Spesies         :Treponema palidium
  Treponema pertenue
  Treponema carateum

  • Three "treponematoses" are discussed: syphilis, yaws and pinta.
  • Each of these diseases is characterized by distinct clinical stages. These stages are known as primary, secondary and tertiary.
    • The primary stage involves multiplication of the bacteria at the site of entry to produce a localized infection.
    • The secondary stage occurs following an asymptomatic period and involves dissemination of the bacteria to other tissues.
    • The tertiary stage may occur after 20-30 years.
  • The Treponema are highly invasive organisms; T. pallidum is the most invasive of the species, T. carateum the least invasive.

  • The Treponema are motile, helically coiled organisms having a corkscrew-like shape. They stain very poorly because their thickness approaches the resolution of the light microscope.
  • Treponema are delicate organisms requiring pH in the range 7.2 to 7.4, temperatures in the range 30°C to 37°C and a microaerophilic environment.
  • The structure of these organisms is somewhat different: the cells have a coating of glycosamino-glycans, which may be host-derived, and the outer membrane covers the three flagella that provide motility.
  • In addition, the cells have a high lipid content (cardiolipin, cholesterol), which is unusual for most bacteria. Cardiolipin elicits "Wassermann" antibodies that are diagnostic for syphilis.
  • Treponema possess a complex antigenic makeup that is difficult to determine because the organisms cannot be grown in vitro.

  • Treponema pallidum is capable of infecting all body tissues.
  • The disease caused by T. pallidum is syphilis. This is a relatively painless, slowly evolving disease. The host-parasite relationship leads to short symptomatic periods when the organism multiplies, followed by prolonged asymptomatic periods when host responses produce healing.
  • Syphilis is strictly a person-person disease.
  • An incubation period of from 10 to 90 days precedes the clinical presentation, despite the fact that the organisms disseminate immediately. The prominent feature of the disease is vascular involvement, particularly arterioles and capillaries.
  • Treponemal antigen-host antibody complexes may cause some immunosuppression of the host and production of the distinct clinical stages:
    • The primary stage occurs weeks to months following infection. The principal sign of infection is the hard chancre, generally found on the genitals. This lesion is essentially painless but filled with treponemes and is, therefore, highly contagious.
    • The secondary stage occurs following an asymptomatic period of 2-24 weeks. In the secondary stage, a skin rash spreads from the palms and soles towards the trunk. This rash may last 2-6 weeks and is followed by recovery. On average, about 25% of patients experience relapses of the secondary stage.
    • Following the secondary stage is a period of latency which may last many years and during which there are essentially no clinical symptoms.
    • The tertiary stage may erupt following the period of latency and can affect all areas of the body and be fatal. Cardiovascular and neurological involvement are the most frequent causes of death. Typically, however, the appearance of lesions called "gummas" mark the tertiary stage. These lesions are, in fact, large granulomas resulting from hypersensitivity reactions and they can be extremely disfiguring.
  • Syphilis that occurs in utero is termed congenital syphilis. About 50% of such fetuses abort or are stillborn. Of those surviving birth, two scenarios are observed: the "early" form shows symptoms that are apparent at birth; in the "late" form, infants appear normal until they are about 2 years old and only then display the traits known as "Hutchinson's triad", which include interstitial keratitis, notched incisors and eighth nerve deafness.
  • Other treponematoses include:
    • Yaws: Caused by T. pertenue, this disease occurs in tropical Africa, S. America, India, Indonesia and the Pacific Isles (equitorial regions). Symptoms involve the occurrence of a painless papule called the "Mother yaw" as the primary stage. Following healing and complete dissemination of the organisms, many papules return after 1-12 months and occur on the face and moist body areas.
    • Pinta: Caused by T. carateum, this disease occurs only in tropical Central and South America. It is characterized by a painless papule (primary) followed 2-18 months later by secondary papules on the hands, feet and scalp. These lesions heal slowly after treatment (unlike syphilis, yaws).

  • It is the intricate interplay between the organism and the host immune system that defines the treponematoses.
  • Immunity results in untreated persons but it is slow to evolve.
  • Immunity is probably a combination of both humoral and cell-mediated defenses.

  • Syphilis is found worldwide and is transmitted via sexual contact (ages 20-24 are most affected).
  • Because the route of transmission is the same, 10% of gonorrhea patients also have syphilis.
  • Yaws and pinta are not sexually transmitted and generally affect children or adolescents. These diseases are often geographically diagnosed.

  • Clinical: The clinical manifestations of the treponematoses are generally characteristic and readily identified.
  • Laboratory: Darkfield examination of material from a chancre can show the presence of spirochetes. Immunological techniques including fluorescent treponemal antibody (FTA) or T. pallidum immobilization (TPI) can be of great assistance in observing the organisms. The Wassermann test looks for the presence of antibody against cardiolipin. Many other tests are also available.


  • Sanitary: As with other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), use of a condom helps prevent infection.
  • Immunological: None are available.

  • Chemotherapeutic: Benzathine penicillin (long acting) or penicillin G are the drugs of choice. One must be aware of a possible Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction following treatment of secondary or tertiary syphilis, however. The rapid release of treponemal antigens after lysis by penicillin can cause hypersensitivity reactions in some person.

Selasa, 24 April 2012

about IPhone 5

The overworked 2011 rumor of an “el cheap-o” iPhone Nano to accompany the full-fledged iPhone 5 has reemerged, with Asian sources claiming to have seen components for a low-cost counterpart to this year’s new iPhone offering.

For the better part of the 2011 summer, the tech media considered the notion that Apple would release two smartphones — the pro-version iPhone 5 and an el cheap-o iPhone 4S to go along with it. The iPhone 5 News Blog never really got it: having the iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, and iPhone 4 (and maybe even iPhone 3GS) would be one (or to) iPhone(s) too many. Of course, in the end, we ended up with what would have been the middle grade iPhone, anyway. But at least consumers weren’t left with the conundrum of having to choose from all those iPhones.

But if we’ve learned anything this year, it’s that any iPhone 5 rumor in 2011 is fair game for 2012. And the newest regurgitated rumor is once again that the iPhone 5 will have a cheaper-priced “Nano” counterpart.

Is there anything more compelling about the el cheap-o iPhone Nano rumor this year that makes it more believable?

SlashGear reported later today, “It’s the ‘iPhone nano’ that we’re hearing about today, straight from the China Times to your doorstep. This tip comes from that continent and suppliers which remain unnamed saying that they are, indeed, creating units which point to a low-cost entry-level iPhone for the next generation iPhone 5 this fall.”

I took a look at the original China Times article via Google Translate and lost a few thousand brain cells in the process. What seems apparent is that there are absolutely no details surrounding the rumors — they are simply coming out of the manufacturing sector of China. What makes these purported iPhone units “low cost” might point to the components being used — not necessarily a smaller “nano” design that would be cheaper, much like how the rumored “Mini iPad” would be cheaper, thanks in part to a smaller screen.

SlashGear anticipates the fishiness of this rumor as being a by-product of the Mini iPad speculation, and I tend to agree: “This tip may well come right on time with the iPad Mini being tipped as well, wouldn’t you say?” I would say that making a case for a “Mini iPad” and “Nabo iPhone” — while perhaps the driving force behind these rumors — is like comparing apples and oranges. While the Mini iPad would debut into a market already inhabited by similarly sized and priced tablets, a Nano iPhone has no real analogue. Besides which, Apple has proven that it does not need to lower prices or offer lower-priced products in order to turn a buck — in the west, that is. The only possible consideration for Apple to produce a lower-priced iPhone this year in my opinion would be to cater to developing nations, who otherwise cannot afford the premium pricing of new iPhone models. But all in all, I find it highly doubtful that Apple will — or will ever — co-release a New iPhone. I expect 2012 to feature the iPhone 5, 4S, and 4, with the latter being the ultra value-priced “legacy” model

Senin, 23 April 2012

Jakarta (Dulu-Sekarang)

Bioskop Menteng (bioskop megaria) tahun 1955

Bioskop Megaria tahun 2009

Stasiun Kota Jakarta tahun 1940

Stasiun Kota tahun 2011

Pancoran Jakarta 2011

Pancoran Jakarta (dulu)
 Menteng Raya 1955

Menteng Raya (sekarang)

 Hayam Wuruk 1948

Hayam Wuruk (Sekarang)

Gedung Kesenian (dulu)

Gedung Kesenian (Sekarang)

Jumat, 06 April 2012


Kota yang mempunyai semboyan bersih ,sehat, rapi, indah sebagai slogan pemeliharaan keindahan kota dan Solo the spiritof java sebagai upaya pencitraan kota Solo sebagai pusat kebudayaan Jawa. Selain itu Kota Solo juga memiliki beberapa julukan, antara lain Kota Batik, Kota Budaya, Kota Liwet.
Kota ini terletak di provinsi Jawa Tengah dengan luas kota 44km2 dan mempunyai penduduk  503.421 jiwa berbatasan dengan kabupaten Karanganyar, Kabupaten Boyolali dan Kabupaten Sukoharjo.
Yogyakarta, Solo merupakan pewaris kerajaan Mataram yang dipecah pada tahun 1755. Di kota ini terdapat dua keraton yaitu keraton Kasunanan dan keraton Mangkunegaran
Kota yang mempunyai letak astronomi 110 45` 15" - 110 45` 35"BT dan 70` 36" - 70` 56"LS ini mempunyai bandar udara yang bernama Adi Sumarmo yang terletak di Kabupaten Karanganyar Bandara ini terhubung ke Jakarta (8 penerbangan sehari), Malaysia, dan Singapura, serta Arab Saudi (pada musim haji). Juga terdapat stasiun kereta api utama yang bernama Stasiun Balapan yang juga merupakan stasiun tertua di Indonesia dan juga terdapat satsiun purwosari, stasiun Solo kota dan stasiun Jebres.
Pada tanggal tanggal tertentu terdapat perayaan dan juga dapat dijadikan tempat wisata misal Sekaten yang diadakan untuk memperingati kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW, Kirab pusaka 1 suro acara ini diadakan untuk memperingati tahun baru jawa, Grebeg Sudiro untuk memperingati tahun baru imlek, dll (Grebeg Mulud,Tinggalan Dalem Jumenengan,Grebeg Pasa,Syawalan,Grebeg Besar)
 Disolo terdapat berbagai macam wisata kuliner yang sayang untuk dilewatkan 
1. Nasi Liwet: daerah mangkunegaran
2. Brambang Asem, Tumpang: Mekar Sari Jl.Honggowongso No.91 A,
utara perempatan Pasar kembang, Barat jalan, jam 10.00-21.00
3. Sate Buntel: Pak Bejo Jl.kapten Mulyadi, Lojiwetan,
belakang/timur benteng. Jam 7.00-13.00
4. Sate Kambing:
Mbok Galak, Jl.Letjen Suprapto, Sumber, Nusukan, timur pertigaan, utara jalan, jam 7.00-14.00
5. Tengkleng, Genthan , Laweyan, selatan Tugu Pajang, dekat Pak
Solet, emperan, jam 8.00-13.00
6. Sate kere/Sate sapi/Sate tempe gembus:
· Yu Rebi-1: Teposanan belakang Sriwedari, utara jalan, timur
perempatan RS Jiwa Mangkujayan, jam 10.00-15.00
· Yu Rebi-2, Penumping, barat perempatan RS Jiwa Mangkujayan,
utara jalan, jam 15.00-21.00
7. Tahu Kupat, Pak Midin, Jl.Museum, Sriwedari sebelh timur,
barat jalan, jam 7.00-21.00
8. Sosis Solo, Warung Kita: Jl.Honggowongso No.107 C, selatan
Hotel Novotel, barat jalan, jam 9.00-21.00.
9. Ketoprak (Sotomi Solo): Yu Nani, Jl.Gatot Subroto Sraten,
timur lapangan Kartopuran sebelah selatan, emperan, utara jalan, jam
10. Getuk, Subur, Jl.Museum/Sriwedari sebelah barat jalan, los 1,2,3,
jam 8.00-21.00
11. Martabak telor,
· Angkringan depan getuk Subur No.10, jam 17.00-21.00
· Pak Wi, selatan pertigaan Jl.Honggowongso dan
Jl.M.Yamin(Notosuma n), barat jalan, jam 17.00-21.00
12. Pecel nDeso (bumbu pecel tidak pakai kacang tetapi pakai
wijen), Pasar Besar pintu masuk utara, dasaran, jam 7.00-10.00.
13. Soto daging,
· Soto Triwindu, dalam pasar Triwindu, belakang Balai
Muhamadiyah, Jl.Teuku Umar, jam 7.00-21.00.
· Soto Ngasem, dekat perempatan pertama dari lanud Adi
Sumarmo kearah Solo/Kartosuro jam 7.00-20.00
· Soto mBah Hadi, Jl.Teposanan 24, belakang Sriwedari arah
ketimur, utara jalan, jam 8.00-13.00
14. Masakan Cina: Centrum, Jl.RE Martadinata No.200, Warungmiri,
0271.633 275, jam 11.00-21.00
15. Bakmi Jawa/Sop Ayam,
· Pak Solet, Genthan, Laweyan, selatan tugu Pajang, barat
jalan masuk gang 50 m, jam 9.00-20.00
· Pak Sri, Jl.Tipes, utara jalan, depan Nugroho motor, tenda
kaki lima, jam 18.00-24.00
16. Bakso:
· Bakso Notosuman, Jl.Prof.M.Yamin No.15, Notosuman,
0271.635789, jam 12.00-21.00
· Bakso Kalilarangan: Jl.Kalilarangan No.17, jam 12.00-21.00
17. Ayam Goreng, Ayam Goreng Kleco, dekat tugu perbatasan kota,
Pabelan, utara jalan, jam 12.00-21.00
18. Ayam Bakar,
· Ojo Gelo, Jl.BrigJen Slamet Riyadi No.494, Purwosari, utara
jalan, jam 8.00-21-00
· Pengging, dekat sate Darso sebelum Pengging timur jalan, siang
19. Gudeg, Bu Kasno, Jl.Monginsidi, Margoyudan, timur perempatan
Banjarsari, barat SMAN I (dulu SMA Margoyudan), utara jalan, emperan,
jam 02.00-05.00
20. Serabi Solo:
· Serabi Notosuman Jl.Prof.M.Yamin No.52, Notosuman, jam 06.00-18.00
· Serabi Gajah, Timur Balapan, bawah jalan layang rel KA, jam
21. Abon, Srundeng, Intip, Usus ayam,Cabuk Toko Abon Varia,
Jl.Coyudan No.114, utara jalan, 0271.637844, jam 9.00-20.00
22. Cabuk Rambak, Pasar Besar pintu timur, dasaran, jam 7.00-12.00
23. Roti Mandarin, Toko Orion, Jl.Urip Sumohardjo No.92, Mesen,
jam 9.00-21.00
24. Gembukan, Janggelut: Jl.KH.A.Dahlan, utara pertigaan
Jl.Slamet Riyadi, timur jalan, selatan Hotel Kusuma Sahid . jam
25. Roti Kecik, Roti Ganep, Jl.Sutan Syahrir No.178, tambak
Segaran, jam 9.00-21.00.
26. Es Krim: Tentrem Ice Cream Palace, Jl..Urip Sumohardjo
No.93/97 Mesen. 0271635597, jam 10.00-21.00
27. Dawet, Pasar Gede sebelah dalam, jam 7.00-11.00
28. Beras Kencur, Pak Sumardi, Jl.Tamtaman II No.99, Baluwarti,
timur kraton, masuk gang, 0271.652811, botolan untuk dibawa, jam
29. Rujak, Lotis: Bu Slamet, Jl.Gatot Subroto , Kemlayan, selatan
toko Busana Jawi, timur jalan, iam 10.00-14.00
30. Aneka es, Es Masuk, Jl.Kratonan, utara perempatan Gemblegan,
timur jalan, jam 10.00-19.00
31. Cao Gletak, Pasar Grogol, timur jalan, jam 7.00-14.00.
32. Tetes gula cao gletak, Pasar Sukohardjo sebelah utara, tempat
penitipan sepeda, selatan jalan.
33. Kulit Ceker Ayam Goreng: Jl.Dr.Rajiman kearah Pajang, sebelum
Tugu belok selatan, sebelum tanjakan, timur jalan, Bratan, Laweyan.jam
34. Karak: Mbah Wig, Bratan, Laweyan, selatan No.32 ada pertigaan
tilpun umum belok kanan, 10 m dari pertigaan, selatan jalan, rumah
hijau, bukan toko, rumahan.
35. Tongseng Bokong Kambing, Pas pertigaan Jl.Dr.Rajiman dan
Jl.Agus Salim (Tugu Lilin) Laweyan, selatan jalan. Bokong kambing
sudah dipajang, pilih sendiri yang kecil cukup untuk 3 orang, minta
jangan terlalu manis, jam 9.00-14.00
36. Bebek Bacem Goreng:
· Bu Siswo, Dari Solo lewat Klaten, +/- 1km sebelum pabrik
gula Klaten, selatan jalan, desa Gondang, jam 7.00-5.00, istirahat jam
· Barat Stasiun KA Prambanan +/- 50m utara jalan jam
7.00-19.00, istirahat jam 9.00-15.00
37. Belut Goreng: Depan pasar Pengging pertigaan, barat dan utara
jalan, jam 7.00-19.00
38. Kroncongan: Jika ingin melihat dan mendengarkan kroncong asli
sambil makan soto.
39. Soto Ledokan, sebelah barat terminal Kartosuro, utara jalan,
jam 6.00-11.00
40. Wedangan Pak Wiryo, Jl Perintis Kemerdekaan daerah purwosari,
sego kucinge pulen & enak

semoga bermanfaat untuk pembaca thankyou, maturnuwun, xiexie
sayonara  :)

dikutip dari : wikipedia
dengan sedikit perubahan